2023 Year Review
Heading into 2024, these are all in effect, the new baselines.
Welcome to my year review. I’ve written and published public year reviews for the last nine years — this one is perhaps my most concise. You’re in for a treat. I hope you learn something that you can take away and apply.
Table of contents
- Subtractions
- Additions
- The last two years
- Study
- Coins
- Top 10 Purchases
- Social Life
- Top 10 Highlights/Adventures
- Questions
- Summary
- I no longer use a phone.
My dumbphone and smartphone are located in a protective sleeve and rarely touched unless there is a need for Google Maps. Sometimes I need to take the dumbphone to ensure I meet someone at the right place. All my communications primarily occur on the computer over WI-FI instead of a cellular signal. And only after 5 PM. This is a huge change. I wrote more about it in an article titled ‘How I Finally Escaped Digital Prison’.
- I no longer work in offices.
I only work remotely. Self-explanatory.
- I no longer eat food. Until around 4–6 PM.
My stomach is empty most of the day. I have just one meal in the evening and take my supplements in the morning. The exception for breakfast is 1/2 eggs sometimes. Sometimes I skip breakfast too. I do this while ensuring I eat enough protein, vegetables and calories in the evening.
- I no longer browse the internet before 5 pm. This forces me to be more still and at peace. Getcoldturkey.com automatically blocks me if I try. (Use the discount code xHabits for 20% off)
- I never masturbate or watch porn. 70% of the porn industry websites and studios are owned by an Israeli company called Mind Geek. This company is primarily responsible for proliferating one of the greatest addictions on the planet. I do not participate in my enslavement.
- I never watch TV shows. Ever. Hollywood is responsible for hacking the subconscious brain of the masses into partaking in coffee addiction (evil), alcohol addiction (evil), sexual perversions (evil), and the attack on both the masculine and feminine gender roles. I only watch cartoons. The Animated Spiderman series from 1994 is my favourite. Or the occasional movie/documentary. Cinemas are now a firm no-go.
- I no longer use dating apps. I no longer seek digital companionship.
- I no longer own a ton of paper books. I have given most of them away as a statement of intent to myself. I am no longer cramming my head with knowledge. I now focus on key topics of interest and am no longer a generalist.
- I no longer go gym. I now train alone. In my home. Away from the noise. The horrible fluorescent lights, music, and gym staff.
- I no longer wear polyester. I refuse to wear plastic on my skin. Due to only wearing natural fibres, my aura becomes more pristine. Note: The previous sentence was a joke.
- I minimise meat. Factory farming is an abomination. I avoid beef, turkey, and chicken entirely. I will occasionally eatlamb eat liver for maximal nutrition. The only muscle meat I eat besides fish is lamb. Maximum is 2–3x week.
- I have eliminated many possessions. Practically everything I own fits into a 40-litre suitcase. This makes my life extremely flexible and allows me to travel with ease. I have three pairs of trousers and shorts, 4 boxers, 6 pairs of socks, 1 pair of swimming shorts, 5-t shirts, and one jacket.
- I avoid contact with those who intend to harm. I no longer see anyone who has caused me harm/disrespected my soul. I try to let go of the emotions around it.
- I no longer go out of my way to socialise. If it happens it happens, if not it doesn’t. This is okay because I exercise every day to counterbalance any lack of emotional connection with humans.
- Social media cleanse. This year, I’m keeping Instagram and Facebook deactivated the whole way through. No breaks.
- Digital cleanse complete. Spotify library, Audible, unnecessary programs, unread emails in Archive, unread articles in Instapaper, junk files on computers, bookmarks, images on phones etc have all been vanquished. My digital life has never been cleaner.
- The Wi-FI router is off every night. And as much as possible.
- I have limited YouTube/Rumble to 15 minutes per day. I use the Coldturkey application to do this. I no longer operate a mental pinball machine.
- I practice Shaolin Qi-Qong for 30mins-1 hour per day at least 5/7 days per week. I am no longer practising another type of Qi Qong because the exercises made me feel too sensitive. Shaolin Qi-Qong makes me feel strong. Combined with my breathwork, hypnosis, self-massage, prayer, and meditation, I average 1–3 hours of total daily practice per day.
- I track every single piece of content that takes longer than a few minutes to consume. My mind is naturally more still and clear. I have a clear objective view of everything that’s going into my brain.
- I run/sprint an average of 1–2x days a week. Despite my heel problems. I do not care about my pain anymore. I no longer use it as an excuse to not train. Or to feel sorry for myself.
- I inject myself every 3 months. With Hydroxocolabim B12 and any other needed intramuscular injections like glutathione, and Vitamin C. These interventions all account for my specific gene mutations which I have analysed. These gene mutations are VDR Bsm, COMT V158M, COMT H62H, MAO-A R297R, MTRR A66G, and SHMT1 C1420T.
- I wake up at sunrise to reset my circadian rhythm daily. The neurophysin (UVA receptors) in my eyes see the sunrise and immediately work synergistically with my body to regulate the production of key hormones. Afterwards, I get UVA early AM sunlight to help me produce melatonin and dopamine. These changes have come about due to my work with mitochondriac health coach, Jason Yun. Due to no longer living like an indoor zoo animal, my mind is sharper. Combined with my daily 1–3 hours of practice, immaculate mind, lack of phone use, a DHA diet which optimises brain function, and lack of food until 5–6 pm, I embody the virtues and qualities of a renaissance man.
- I track every single daily habit meticulously. I also track every single minute spent on the computer non-apologetically using Recuetime.com. In the past, I always phased in and out of these practices out of the pretence of mediocrus-speak which is as follows: “Oh no you’re being too strict, just go with the flow”. I own my desire for focus and clarity wholeheartedly and use it to my advantage.
- I am now a Coldturkey master. I block all the bullshit on the web. Every two weeks, I refine my blocks to the best effect.
- I dedicate at least 30 mins–3 hours per day to writing and working on my websites. I do this with limited distractions and complete focus.
- I keep a daily journal in a spreadsheet. It thoroughly documents my key discoveries, highlights of the day, the hours I worked, any notes about dreams, and everything I plan on accomplishing/accomplishing that day. I then aggregate the best entries from each week. Each month. Each quarter. Each year. I build a fantastic big-picture view of how everything is developing.
- I use a grounding mat connected to a steel rod outside. I am connected to the earth’s natural resonance. Modern shoes cut us off from the natural supply of electrons that our ancestors were connected to before shoes became so hard-wired to our feet. I reverse engineer all the modern ills and go back to the truth.
- 432hz/528hz audio. I have modified my sound card so all audio output on the PC is in one of the above frequencies depending on the mood of the day.
Between mid-2021 to mid 2023, I will hold my hands up and say: that my overall life satisfaction went down significantly. So did my discipline. My mojo. I’ve been in a weird, long funk. After the 5MEO DMT trip, I found it painfully difficult to integrate the lessons.
I also went through surgery. I couldn’t walk properly or fully for many months and went through terrible pain. And suffered from what I believe to be mould poisoning. A move to France ended terribly (I hated living there). On top of that, I started experiencing issues with my eyes. A relationship ended.
The energy of COVID has also not been most conducive. I say all of this with the primary intent of deconstructing all the bad things that have happened.
In summer, things started changing. I went to Turkey. To revitalize. 3 months with the beach and sun will do that. I managed to get 2 work contracts. I came back to London and recharged. I stayed for weeks and got rid of tons of possessions. Went to Morocco. 5 weeks in Tetouan. 4 weeks in Al Hoceima to connect with my ancestors. Back to London.
I did Jason Christoff’s course. Mind-blowing.
I did Ben Lucas’s course. Mind blowing too.
I started working with Jason Yun. Massive upgrade in health practices.
I started doing Qi Qong every day. I became more consistent with the basics: sleeping early; waking up at sunrise; eating more protein; and exercising (running). Eating healthier.
I am changing my life for the better. Day by day. It’s the mastery of the simple things on a consistent daily basis that makes the biggest difference.
Most of us think we need complex solutions to life’s problems. But it’s often simple innocuous simple changes that make the difference. Environmental changes. Combined with patience. Like changing home. Using a grounding mat. Stopping phone use before/after a certain time etc. Educating yourself. Most importantly, fixing vitamin deficiencies/diagnosing health issues.
I only just recently found out I have H Pylori. I’ve most likely had it for years. A parasite has been silently feeding off my energy all that time. Once I eliminate it, I will express more of my potential.
Coins are of less concern to me. I have changed my perspective on ‘unemployment’ as well as being ‘single’. These are terms society uses to shame people who are not within its modus operandi.
I’m ‘unemployed’ and happy. I’m single and happy. I have plenty of coins. I do not need to work unless I want to. I do not believe in having a poverty mindset.
Even if I only had £1000 saved, I would still believe I have plenty of coins. I use my mind to shift the frequency of my reality such that it serves me and not the other way around.
Chronic worry is rarely productive. I feel secure. Because I know that each day, I am doing what I want to do with my time; the most valuable resource of all. I am prioritising my mental, physical, and emotional health.
As each day goes by, I become more supple, flexible and strong. I become more knowledgeable, helpful, and aware of how I can better serve potential clients. I do not care about the shame that society proliferates on its citizens who do not do conventional ‘work’.
I work every day whether I make coins through an employer or not because I dedicate each day to bettering myself daily regardless of any income. I know that if I live true to my purpose this way, coins come naturally. In any case, I have many skills I can employ on a contractual basis when needed. But I do not believe in having a strict 9–5, I never have, and never will.
Permanent office based unfullfiling 9–5 = soul destruction
Edit: I’ve worked 9–5 for years and still do intermittently. What I’m highlighting is doing a job that’s unfulfilling without any intention of doing something better. But if someone’s found a 9–5 they find meaningful, well-paying and it gives them a sense of purpose, then that’s commendable.
My best purchases of 2023 are as follows:
1. UVB Light
2. Garmin watch
3. Massage gun
4. Avulux glasses
5. Shower filter head
6. Orgone pillow
7. Doro dumbphone
8. 16 Inch Laptop
9. EMF Meter
10. Grounding mat with steel rod
Living a great life requires investment. Some products are scams or subpar and not worth investing in and prey on people’s gullibility. So need to be careful. Each year, I invest in a curated list of tools which I meticulously research. I must create an environment that supports me. This includes the products I own and use regularly.
I have friends who speak “mediocrus” speech sometimes and who live a life very different to my own. They eat crap food. They watch lots of shows. They watch porn regularly. I associate myself with these friends less often.
I prefer to surround myself with individuals who are defeating their vices. Or at the very least attempting to do so. I do not wish to be contaminated by mediocrity.
- Boat ride River Thames
- Bath city exploration
- Violin event
- Canyon
- Diving
- Akchour 2-day retreat
- Forest
- Seeing Eckhart Tolle Live
- Working with and learning from some amazing people
- Simplifying digital life and possessions
1. What movie genre would best describe the last year of my life?
- Romantic drama and difficult lessons with breakthroughs
2. Three major themes?
- Letting go/moving on
- Sunshine (Turkey + Morocco)
- Masculinity
3. What are the accomplishments I’m most proud of achieving?
- Managing to fit/most possessions into one suitcase (except furniture/lights)
- Finalising template for product
- Discovering a new country
- Getting all biomarkers like Testosterone, D3, B12, etc up
4. What three major things could I have done better this year?
- Monthly review process
- Fewer purchases
- Fewer phone calls
5. What was missing from my life this year that I could potentially implement into the next year?
- Greater income
- More consistency
- Cleaner Mind diet
6. What major life lessons did I learn this year?
- Certain online courses can change your life in massive ways
- Letting go of my smartphone will prove to be one of my best decisions ever
- Vitamin A/Zinc/D deficiency/H Pylori
7. Where did I travel to this year?
114 Days in Morocco
90 days in Turkey
Total days abroad: 204x
I am maxing my life on Sun, nature, meditation, prayer, journaling, self-reflection, Qiqong, grounding, and DHA.
I only have one life. I must make the most out of it and make God pleased with its creation. I no longer hide away from who I really am. I am someone who is born to fix things that are not seen as broken by those who lack the perceptive faculty necessary to realise something is amiss.
Looking to the new year, I sense I will be able to make more of a positive impact. With the grace of God’s will, 2024 will be good.